Posts Tagged ‘Blueberries’

Has Spring Sprung?

That is the question today.  March was rather miserable with the cold and just enough snow to tease.  Either give me snow, or let’s move to the next season.  It wasn’t a total waste though.  We did the usual Easter thing with the trees.  I removed the fencing around them and we hung eggs with giant marsh mellows inside of them.  Talking to my colleague Terry Moore, I learned how I should trim my transplanted Braeburn.  The thing about it was the shape.  It was horrid. Bent over like a 90 year old grandpa.


He told me to cut it off about a foot above where it branches out.  I’m not 100% sure that’s what he said to do, but that’s how I interpreted it.  Cut quite a bit off.  Fine with me though!  Not all crooked anymore!

Seriously considering planting some blueberries this season.  I made an initial email to the folks at Russell’s Blueberry Farm.  It’s pretty close to here and they also sell plants.  Have been thinking about planting 10 high bushes of different varieties.  To get that many and the kind I want, it might take buying some one or two year plants.  They will be fairly small.  If I can get them at the price I want, then it will be worth it.